National results Employed persons

Private sector wage earners by sex and branch of activity. Absolute values and percentages with respect to the total of each sex

Units:Thousands Persons, %
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      • Sex
      • Unit
      • Period
      • CNAE 2009 activity branch
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  • Notes ( 3 )
    • Since the first quarter 2007, the encoding of the variable "" type of administration "" meets an strictly institutional criterion derived from an exhaustive relation of the bodies belonging to the Social Security.

      Up to the fourth quarter 2006, the mixed functional-institutional criterion was applicable, so that the bodies providing social and health services and depending on other administrations (Central and Autonomous) are included within the Social Security category.

      In practice, even though the circumstance does not affect the consistency of the results series of the total employees of the public sector. However, it implies a break of the results series in the categories mentioned before of the variable 'type of administration'. In particular, since the first quarter 2007, the employees of the public sector of Social Security see a redistribution for the most part of them, due to the application of said criterion, on the employees of autonomic administrations.
    • Los datos del primer trimestre de 2002 al cuarto de 2020 están calculados según la base poblacional 2011. Desde el primer trimestre de 2021 se utiliza la base 2021
    • In the first quarter of 2020, as a consequence of the declaration of the high alert period (Royal Decrees 463/2020 and 487/2020) caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the sample size of the first EPA interviews in weeks 11 to 13 has been lower than in other quarters, meaning that the variation coefficients for the most disaggregated estimates may be higher than usual. We recommended that you consult the related INEbase tables coeficientes de variación.
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