National Statistics Plan 1993-1996

Royal Decree approving the National Statistical Plan 1993-1996 

Royal Decree by which the Investment Programme 1993-1996 is approved 

Implementation report

Prerequisite documents for its compilation and approval:

Proposals and recommendations from the High Council on Statistics 

High Council on Statistics' report 

Council of State's report on the National Statistics Plan 1993-1996 

Council of State's report on the Investment Plan 1993-1996

Approved annual development programmes relating to the National Statistics Plan 1993-1996.

The Annual Programme 1993 was not approved, as 1993 was the first year that the National Statistics Plan was in force and the work was greatly delayed. Nevertheless, in article 1.2 of the Annual Programme 1994, reference was made to the statistics undertaken in 1993 to give them legal protection.