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Spain in the twenty five state EU
Spain in the 25 state EU, offers a viewpoint of the situation of our country in the framework of the European Union (EU). The publication is made up of a series of graphs, maps and observations on subjects so varied as population, economy, employment, society, energy and the environment.
The content of this publication is based on the selection of 25 basic indicators published by the Statistical Office of the European Communities (Eurostat) , most of which belong to the group of structural indicators.
More information on the Eurostat structural indicators webpage.
Contents of the publication (Files in PDF format)
- Introduction and index
Population and territory
Population of the 25 state EU
Life expectancy
Migrations -
Gross Domestic Product
Labour productivity
General government debt
Comparative price levels
Business investment
Research and development
New technologies -
Labour market
Employment rate
Employment rate of older workers
Dispersion of regional employment
Unemployment rate
Accidents at work
Youth education attainment level
Life-long learning
At risk of poverty ratio
Population in jobless households -
Greenhouse gas emissions
Renewable energies
Electricity and gas prices
Transport - Formation process of the 25 state EU
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Price (including VAT): 3.01 €