1.5.2. Share of land (%): Continuous residential urban fabric

Description of indicator

Measure the percentages of the land dedicated to different types of use. These uses are adapted to the methodology of Eurostat, which is derived from the "Copernicus urban Atlas", by its equivalence with the classification of the Land Use Information System of Spain (SIOSE). With the information on the uses at the polygon territorial level provided by SIOSE and its intersection with the territorial layers of the publication, the final results are obtained in percentage, in such a way that the sum of the percentages of the classes will always be 100 % in each polygon and its aggregates. However, only data is presented at the municipal and submunicipal level, and the national level too.

This use or typology agrees with the following equivalence ( see table):

  • Urban Atlas: Continuous urban fabric (IMD> = 80%). IMD (Imperviousness Degree) represents the so-called "sealed soil".
  • SIOSE classes: Buildings, Other constructions. While sum> = 80% and it is within the compound coverages: Town centre, Urban expansión área, Discontinuous.

Methodological links:

Source: own elaboration with data of the Land Use Information System of Spain (SIOSE) of the National Geographic Institute.

Available series: 2014.

Graphs and tables

For sub-municipal areas, it is possible to access tables in INEbase with all indicators. For Cities, Greater cities and Functional Urban Areas, it is possible whether to access a table in INEbase with all indicators and periods, or to visualize the indicator in the graph. In this case, when positioning on each bar, the data and the year referred to are shown.

Cities Image px table