- Products and Services
CPI in one click
This section provides different links that give access to the Consumer Price Index (CPI) in just one click. Also, since April 2015, access to the new Competitiveness Guarantee Index has been granted.

Would you like to update a personal income or spending? This section calculates the update of an income or spending with the CPI for a complete year for you by just introducing the quantity to update, the month and the years you are interested in.

How much has the CPI varied since...? This section provides a very easy program to calculate the CPI variation between two periods fot the total nationalm the Autonomous Communities and the provinces.

Do you need a telematic issue of CPI? Through the Electronic Headquarters of the National Statistics Institute you can get hold of it by making a payment for the corresponding tax via the state Tax Agency's tax payment system.
More information regarding CPI
- Last informative note with the General CPI annual rate of the last 13 months.
- FAQs about CPI
- Consumer Price Index in INEbase. Detailed information on CPI: monthly series, yearly series, methodologic documents, ...
- Updating rents with the CPI (ULA) This document contains the formula to update rental income.
Competitiveness Guarantee Index. CGI
According to Act 2/2015, from 30 March, on the Deindexation of the Spanish Economy (BOE 31/03/2015), the INE is responsible for the calculation and monthly publication of the Competitiveness Guarantee Index (CGI).
Índice de Referencia de Arrendamientos de Vivienda
Resolución del 18 de diciembre de 2024 de la Presidencia del INE, en la que se define el índice de referencia para la actualización anual de los contratos de arrendamiento de vivienda.