The administrative structure of the INE, which is specifically devoted to quality management, is made up of:
1. Quality Unit
The quality unit is the specific unit devoted to the INE quality management in all its dimensions. Its main objectives are as follows:
- -Promotion of a culture of quality in the organization.
- -Systematic monitoring of the quality of the results and the processes, identification and validation of methodologies needed to guarantee this quality and improvement of temporal or spatial coverage of the results.
- - Promotion and coordination of the innovations needed in order to optimize the quality and efficiency of statistical products and processes, specially to reduce costs and response burden on those interviewed.
The compliance of these objectives entails additional functions: developing User Satisfaction Surveys; representing the INE in meetings and working groups concerning statistical quality; acting as an interlocutor before national and international Organisms in issues concerning statistical quality and services.
2. Quality committee
The Quality Committee is the collegiate participation body of the INE units on the development of quality corporate policies. The Committee works according to the specific missions and mandates assigned by the Board of Directors of the INE.
It is made up of:
- - A representative from each Subdirectorate General and from the Population Register Unit.
- - The Head of the Provincial Delegations Coordination Unit.
- - A representative of the Provincial Delegates.
- - The members of the Quality Unit, which act as secretariat. The manager of the Quality Unit coordinates the Committee's tasks.
The Committee meets every six months, although meetings may be held more frequently when the issues falling within their competence so require. Persons with knowledge of specific subjects the Committee deals with might be summon to the meetings, so they can assist the Committee in the development of its functions. The Committee will be able to create working groups (internal or supported by outside personnel) which will inform the Committee directly.