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- Publications Catalog
Demography and population
- Population Figures (Population of Spain's Municipalities. Municipal Register Revision) 01/01/2024
- Continuous Register Statistics. Final data 1st January 2022
- Residential Variation Statistics
- List of place names: Population of the Continuous Municipal Register by Population Unit
- Municipal Register: Statistical use, Official population figures, Census sections and Nomenclature
- Register of Spaniards Resident Abroad (RSRA)
- Listing of Municipalities and their Codes, by Province
Population and Housing Censuses 2001 and 1991
- Spain at the start of the 21st century
- Preview data
- Project
- Volume I. Book I. Persons, buildings and dwellings
- Volume I. Book II. Households
- Volume II. Results by Autonomous Communities and Provinces
- Volume III. Municipal results
- Volume IV. Inframunicipal indicators: census sections and population units