Concept selected: National household final consumption expenditure (monetary and non-monetary)


National household final consumption expenditure is the expenditure by households on goods and services that they use to directly satisfy the needs or deficiencies of the members of the household. Final consumption expenditure, together with the social transfers in kind made by public administrations and by private non-profit institutions serving households (NPISH), constitutes the actual final consumption of household within the framework of the National Accounts. Household final consumption expenditure includes: - Those purchases made monetarily (monetary expenditure). - The estimated value of certain goods and services, such as the value of products from self-consumption or self-supply (whether they are consumed by the household or given to other households), the payment in kind by employers to their employees, the rents imputed to the owners of dwellings, or to those that use them free or partially free-of-charge, and the free or subsidised lunches and/or dinners given in the workplace or in the catering establishment owned by the household (non-monetary expenditure).


The following are considered within consumption expenses: - The expenses on domestic service produced by households for themselves as employers of paid domestic personnel. - The financial services explicitly charged to households, such as: commissions fo


Household Budget Survey. Methodology

Statistical operations (links to the Inventory of Statistical Operations)
Concepts associated