Concept selected: Regular residence according six months criteria


A person is considered to usually reside in a dwelling if he or she spends most of his or her daily rest in said dwelling in said dwelling, and the period that should be taken into account are the last six months. Persons forming new households or incorporated into existing households will normally be regarded as members of the new new residence; in the same way, persons who leave their household to go and live anywhere else will cease to be regarded as members of the original household. The abovementioned criterion for the last six months will be replaced by the intention to reside for a period of six months or more in the new place of residence.That which may be regarded as permanent entering or leaving households should be taken into account. In other words, a person who sets up home for an indefinite period of time, or with the intention residing for a period of six months or more will be regarded as a member of that household, even if he or she has not yet spent six months there, and even if he or she has actually spent most of that time in any other place of residence. Likewise, a person who has left his or her household to go to any other place of residence with the intention of being away for six months or more will cease to be regarded as a member of the previous household. If a person who is temporarily absent is in a private, he or she will be regarded as a member of the current household or of the previous one, depending on the amount of time his or her absence lasts. Exceptionally, specific categories of persons who maintain close ties with the household may be regarded as members of the latter, regardless of the time that their absence lasts, so long as they are not considered members of another private household.


National Statistics Institute surveys

Statistical operations (links to the Inventory of Statistical Operations)
Concepts associated