Concept selected: Sharing expenses


Sharing household expenses means profiting from expenses (boys, persons with no income, etc.), and/or contributing to income (father away for work). If expenses are not shared, the person constitutes a separate household at the same address. In general, minimum expenses that have to be shared, in other words, must be paid out from a common budget, in order to consider a person to be a household member are those relating to dwellings and/or food. Persons who are absent may also be regarded as sharing expenses and/or income, either because they depend economically on the household (absent students who are not economically independent, and have no income) or else because, although temporarily absent, they contribute with their income to the family economy (absent spouse). A person is regarded as depending economically on the household when he or she takes part in the budget thereof, in other words, shares expenses and/or income with the rest of the persons composing the household. A joint-budget is considered the common fund that allows the housekeeper or person in charge of the household administration to defray the household's joint expenses.


Household Budget Survey. Methodology

Statistical operations (links to the Inventory of Statistical Operations)
Concepts associated