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Spanish Tourism Satellite Account. Year 2023 26 December 2024

Tourism activity reached 184,002 million euros in 2023, 12.3% of GDP, which was 0.9 points higher than in 2022. The characteristic tourism branches generated more than 2.5 million jobs, representing 11.6% of total employment. The results released today include the statistical revision of the national accounts series (Statistical Review 2024).

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Contribution of tourism to the Spanish economy - Year 2023
Indicator Note Value Porcentaje sobre el total
Contribution to GDP (millions of euros) 184,002 12.3
Contribution to total employment (millions of jobs) 2.56 11.6

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Did you know...?

The Spanish Tourism Satellite Account (STSA) is a summary statistic composed of a set of accounts and tables, based on the methodological principles of national accounts and presenting the different economic parameters of tourism in Spain, for a given reference date. The current base is 2010.

It essentially consists of three types of components:

  • - Supply accounts and tables, in which an attempt is made to characterise the production and cost structures of tourism companies.
  • - Demand tables which intend to characterise, from an economic point of view, the different types of tourists, national tourism compared with international, the types of goods and services demanded, etc.
  • - Tables that interrelate supply and demand, which facilitates obtaining some integrated measurements of the contribution of tourism to the economy via variables such as GDP, production or employment.