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26 December 2024

Spanish Tourism Satellite Account

Year 2023

Main Results

  • Tourism activity reached 184,002 million euros in 2023, 12.3% of GDP, which was 0.9 points higher than in 2022.
  • The characteristic tourism branches generated more than 2.5 million jobs, representing 11.6% of total employment.
  • The results released today include the statistical revision of the national accounts series (Statistical Review 2024).

The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) associated with tourism, measured through final tourism demand, reached 184,002 million euros in 2023. This figure accounted for 12.3% of GDP, a 0.9 point growth compared to 2022.

On the other hand, employment in the characteristic economic branches of tourism reached 2.5 million jobs. This represented 11.6% of total employment in the economy, 0.1 points more than in 2022.

Contribution of tourism activity to GDP and employment


(P): Provisional estimate, (A): Advance estimate

In 2023, the component with the greatest weight in domestic tourism consumption was inbound tourism spending, with 55.0% of the total, which resulted in 2.1 points more than in the previous year.

Contribution of inbound tourism spending to domestic tourism consumption


(P): Provisional estimate, (A): Advance estimate

The final demand associated with tourism increased by 24.5%, in terms of (current prices) volume, in 2023.

Variation rates of the economy GDP and of tourism GDP


(P): Provisional estimate, (A): Advance estimate

Contribution of tourism to the Spanish economy
Comparison of inbound and outbound tourism consumption

Current prices. Billion euros

(P): Provisional estimate, (A): Advance estimate

Data revisions and updates

Today, the INE published the results of the Tourism Satellite Account for 2021 and 2022 in accordance with the 2024 Statistical Review. All the results of this operation are available at INEbase.

Methodological note

The Tourism Satellite Account (TSA) is a statistical synthesis made up of a set of accounts and tables, which is based on the methodological principles of the national accounts, and presents the different economic parameters of tourism in Spain, for a given reference date. Due to the close relationship between the TSA and the Spanish National Accounts, the 2024 statistical revision of the latter has led to a similar process in the TSA.

The TSA basically comprises three types of elements:

  • Accounts and supply charts, in which the aim is to define the production and cost structure of tourism companies.
  • Demand tables, in which the aim is to characterise, from an economic point of view, the different types of tourists, national tourism versus international tourism, the type of goods and services demanded, etc.
  • Tables that link supply and demand, providing integrated measures of tourism's contribution to the economy through macro variables such as GDP, production and employment.

More information on the methodology and the standardised methodological report

INE statistics are produced in accordance with the Code of Good Practice for European Statistics. More information on Quality at INE and the Code of Best Practices.

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