Population Flows in the labour market - Quarter 4/2024
Indicator Note Value Variation
Persons who become employed 1,382.3 2.12
Persons who ceased being employed 1,357.5 -2.62
Persons who become unemployed 1,301.4 -5.55
Persons who ceased being unemployed 1,396.7 2.59
Persons who become economically active 1,295.7 0.31
Persons who ceased being economically active 1,534.9 2.62
  • Status of the current quarter, with regard to the previous quarter
    Value in thousands. Variation: % over the same period of the previous year

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Did you know...?

The Statistics on Economically Active Population Flows collects information regarding the follow-up of population, or specific groups, between one quarter and the previous one in absolute values, regarding its relation with labour market. This information links the situations of the interviewed person in two moments on the basis of the Economically Active Population Survey (EAPS), with the purpose of studying its evolution.

Given that in the EAPS sample a sixth part is updatedd every quarter and the remaining 5/6 are mantained, between two consecutive quarters, the part that is common for the sample between two versions of the same survey in order to obtain flow statistics from questions regarding the situation of the interviewed person in the present quarter and in the previous one.