5564Longitudinal Demographic Study (LDS)

Institutions that intervene
INE, Statistics Institutes of the Autonomous Communities, Social Security, MUFACE, AEAT, MEDU, MINT, D.G. for the Land Register (MEHA)
Works that will be carried out in the year 2010
Incorporation of information taken from Vital Statistics, in order to add events not yet detected in the LDS, and other relevant data(marriages, causes of death, etc)
Definite joining of Municipal Register/Census persons, in preparation for the situation of departure of persons to be investigated Census 2011
Continuation of the joining with other administrative sources: MUFACE, Social Security and tax sources
Maintainance and updating of territorial tables and those of persons so that they can be used as a base for extracting samples for surveying households and persons
Integration into the LDS, when the necessary conditions are present, of the information from the INE aimed at households
The participating institutions will collaborate with supplying information and explaining their methodological details.
Budgetary credits necessary for its finance in the year 2010  (in thousands euros)


Plan sheet      Plan incidences sheet