5398Health barometer

Institutions that intervene
MSAS, Centre for Sociological Research (MPRE).
Works that will be carried out in the year 2010
Presentation of the main results from the 2009 edition (marginal distributions).
Performance of the analysis of the results from the 2009 Health Barometer.
Dissemination of the main results, analysis of consolidated data on the website of the Ministry of Health and Social Policy.
Performance of fieldwork (three waves) from the 2010 Barometer.
Encoding and recording of questionnaires from the year 2010.
Tabulation of results from the 2010 Barometer.
Creation of the questionnaire for the 2011 edition
The Centre for Sociological Research revises the questionnaire proposed by the MSAS in the first quarter of each year; it carries out the fieldwork in three waves: in April, July and November; it encodes and records the data durign the month following each wave; it carries out marginal distributions, tabulation by age and sex, and submits the documentation and the microdata files in the two months following each wave.
Budgetary credits necessary for its finance in the year 2010  (in thousands euros)


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