5375Statistical Use of the Basic Minimum Hospital Data Sets

Institutions that intervene
MSCO, Councils/Departments with jurisdiction regarding all of the Autonomous Communities, Ingesa.
Works that will be carried out in the year 2011
Receipt of the databases of the Basic Minimum Hospital Data Sets (BMHDS) for the year 2010 from the NHMI (Ingesa) and from the health services of the Autonomous Communities.
Processing, filtering and correction of mistakes and validation of data in the statistics for the year 2009
Dissemination of the statistical results via monographic publication. Internal dissemination via IT connection.
Online dissemination via query applications through the Statistical Portal of the Ministry of Health, Social Policy and Equality
Online dissemination of the analysis model and axes (update of the model)
Analysis tasks for studies of piloting data models for the CMBD in outpatient areas and compilation of proposals for extending the CMBD to said areas
Partnership work with the Autonomous Communities leading to the implementation of the new validation and audit procedures for primary data. Councils/Departments with jurisdiction regarding all of the Autonomous Communities and Ingesa send the databases of the CMBD, hospitalisation, outpatient and day hospital surgery of all of the hospitals within their territorial scope (public and private), corresponding to the previous year, prior to 30 June.
Budgetary credits necessary for its finance in the year 2011  (in thousands euros)


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