5541Population and Housing Censuses

Institutions that intervene
INE, Statistics Institutes of all of the Autonomous Communities, Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP).
Works that will be carried out in the year 2011
The data collection for the 2011 Demographic Censuses is planned to begin in the last four months of the year
Prior to said beginning, all of the preparation work must be completed
- Integration of the relevant statistical and administrative information available for the different phases of the census operation. This includes both the data relating to territory and the data relating to population
The main objectives of this phase are
- Serve as the initial directory for the Building Census
- Forming the initial housing framework
- Performing the first stage of the population count
- Closing of the census questionnaires
- Determining survey sample design and sample selection
- Organisation of the data collection structure and hiring of the necessary personnel
- Implementation of the physical support structure for said organisation (premises, material, etc.)
- Teaching training to the personnel involved in the data collection operation. Preparation of the learning material
- Implementation and launching. Technological support infrastructure for the collectin of both software development and the installation of hardware and communications
- Performance of a pilot operation in the month of April 2011
- Preparation and programming of the all of the data entry tasks, information processing and dissemination of the sample
In the last four months, all of the work will be carried out relating with the rout of the Building Census, as well as the first stages of the data collection of the population survey. Social Security, the MINT, the Directorate General of the Land Registry, the AEAT and the MEDU collaborate by providing administrative information for statistical use in the census operation
The Statistics Institutes of the Autonomous Communities and the FEMP will collaborate in different tasks relating to the data collection, according to the agreements signed.
Budgetary credits necessary for its finance in the year 2011  (in thousands euros)


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