5564Longitudinal Demographic Study (LDS)

Institutions that intervene
Statistics Institutes of the Autonomous Communities, Social Security, MUFACE, AEAT, MEDU, MINT, Directorate General for the Land Registry (MEHA)
Works that will be carried out in the year 2011
Improvement of the association processes of the basic registers for use as a source of information for the 2011 Demographic Censuses
Preparation of the data for use in the pilot survey of the 2011 Demographic Censuses
Preparation of the data for use in the 2011 Demographic Censuses
Use of the link of the Vital Statistics with the rest of the information for the calculation of indicators (life expectancy by socio-economic status). The other institutions involved in these statistics participate in the updating of the administrative information used in the LDS.
Budgetary credits necessary for its finance in the year 2011  (in thousands euros)


Plan sheet      Plan incidences sheet