Goal 5. Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

Indicator 5.1.1. Whether or not legal frameworks are in place to promote, enforce and monitor equality and non-discrimination on the basis of sex

Sub-indicator Legal frameworks that promote, enforce and monitor gender equality - Area 1: Legal framework and public life

  1. Administrative data that do not correspond to any National Statistic Plan statistics
Source: MPJC

Sub-indicator Legal frameworks that promote, enforce and monitor gender equality - Area 2: Violence against women

  1. Administrative data that do not correspond to any National Statistic Plan statistics
Source: MPJC

Sub-indicator Legal frameworks that promote, enforce and monitor gender equality - Area 3: Employment and economic benefits

  1. Administrative data that do not correspond to any National Statistic Plan statistics
Source: MPJC

Sub-indicator Legal frameworks that promote, enforce and monitor gender equality - Area 4: marriage and family

  1. Administrative data that do not correspond to any National Statistic Plan statistics
Source: MPJC