Goal 16. Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels

Indicator 16.10.2. Number of countries that adopt and implement constitutional, statutory and/or policy guarantees for public access to information

Sub-indicator Extent of adoption and implementation of constitutional, statutory and/or policy guarantees for public access to information globally

  1. Administrative data that do not correspond to any National Statistic Plan statistics
Source: MTDF

Sub-indicator Extent of adoption of constitutional, statutory and/or policy guarantees for public access to information globally

  1. Administrative data that do not correspond to any National Statistic Plan statistics
Source: MTDF

Sub-indicator Extent of implementation of constitutional, statutory and/or policy guarantees for public access to information globally

  1. Administrative data that do not correspond to any National Statistic Plan statistics
Source: MTDF