Metadata Sub-indicator Porcentaje de carga contaminante total española correspondiente a poblaciones mayores de 2000 habitantes equivalentes que depuran adecuadamente las aguas residuales urbanas de acuerdo con el Art.4 de la Directiva 91/271/CEE sobre aguas residuales urbanas


Goal 6. Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all


Target 6.3. By 2030, improve water quality by reducing pollution, eliminating dumping and minimizing release of hazardous chemicals and materials, halving the proportion of untreated wastewater and substantially increasing recycling and safe reuse globally.


Indicator 6.3.1. Proportion of wastewater safely treated


Sub-indicator Spain's total percentage for pollutant load in towns with more than 2000 inhabitants with an adequate urban waste water treatment system in accordance with Article 4 of the Directive 91/271/CEE

Type of indicator (global, European, national)
  • Global (proxy)

Porcentaje de la población equivalente de aglomeraciones urbanas mayores de 2.000 habitantes equivalente en el territorio nacional que se someten a un tratamiento secundario o equivalente al secundario, y cumplen con los requerimientos de la Parte B del Anejo I de la Directiva 91/271/CEE en cuanto a eliminación de materia orgánica y sólidos en suspensión.

Calculation method

\[PCC_{Depuracion, >2000 hab.}^t=\frac{PEQ_{Depuracion, >2000 hab.}^t}{PEQ_{>2000 hab.}^{t}} \cdot 100 \]Where: \( PEQ_{Depuracion, >2000 hab.}^t\)is the equivalent population of populations over 2000 hab-eq with adequate purification in year t and \( PEQ_{Colectores, >2000 hab.}^t\)is the total equivalent population of populations over 2,000 hab-eq in year t.

Unit of measure



Biannual Even

Disaggregated data(Gender, age, region in Spain, other)


Tier II

Come from National Statistics Plan (YES/NO)


Responsible institution
Date of the last metadata update


Link to United Nations metadata
Custody agency

WHO, UN-Habitat, UNSD


Administrative data that do not correspond to any statistics of the National Statistical Plan 1 hab-eq is the biodegradable organic load with a biological oxygen demand of 5 days (DBO5) of 60 grams of oxygen per day.