Metadata Sub-indicator Severe material deprivation rate
Goal 1. End poverty in all its forms everywhere
Target 1.2. By 2030, reduce at least by half the proportion of men, women and children of all ages living in poverty in all its dimensions according to national definitions
Indicator 1.2.2. Proportion of men, women and children of all ages living in poverty in all its dimensions according to national definitions
Sub-indicator Severe material deprivation rate
Proportion of people living in households with disabilities in at least four out of a list of nine concepts
\[PPCMS^t= \frac{PCMS^t}{p^t}\cdot100\]Where: \(PCMS^t\)is the population belonging to households with severe material deficiency in year t and \(p^t\)is the total population in year t.
Sex, Age, Autonomous communities
Tier II
Life Conditions Survey (ISO code: 30453)
National Gov.
The concepts considered in the determination of severe material deficiency are:1. You cannot afford to go on vacation at least one week a year. 2. You cannot afford a meal of meat, chicken or fish at least every two days. 3. You cannot afford to keep the house at an appropriate temperature. 4. You do not have the capacity to deal with unforeseen expenses. 5. You have had delays in paying expenses related to the main dwelling (hypotheque or rent, gas receipts, community... ) in the last 12 months. 6. You cannot afford to have a car. 7. You cannot afford to have a telephone. 8. You cannot afford to have a colour TV. 9. You cannot afford to have a washing machine.