Metadata Sub-indicator En España la legislación nacional sobre estadísticas cumple los Principios Fundamentales de las Estadísticas Oficiales
Goal 17. Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development
Target 17.18. By 2020, enhance capacity-building support to developing countries, including for least developed countries and small island developing States, to increase significantly the availability of high-quality, timely and reliable data disaggregated by income, gender, age, race, ethnicity, migratory status, disability, geographic location and other characteristics relevant in national contexts
Indicator 17.18.2. Number of countries that have national statistical legislation that complies with the Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics
Sub-indicator In Spain the national statistical legislation complies with the Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics
- Global
Tier I
Administrative data that do not correspond to any statistics of the National Statistical Plan. When the data of the series is 1 it corresponds to the value Yes and when it is 0, with the value No.