Metadata Sub-indicator Aportación al PIB de las actividades vinculadas a la propiedad intelectual.


Goal 8. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all


Target 8.9. By 2030, devise and implement policies to promote sustainable tourism that creates jobs and promotes local culture and products


Indicator 8.9.1. Tourism direct GDP as a proportion of total GDP and in growth rate


Sub-indicator  Contribution of intellectual property related activities to GDP

Type of indicator (global, European, national)

The contribution to GDP of activities related to intellectual property comes from the Satellite Account for Culture in Spain (CSCE), an annual statistical operation included in the National Statistical Plan, prepared by the Ministry of Culture and Sport with the collaboration on certain methodological aspects of the INE.

Calculation method

The method consists in assessing the contribution to GDP that corresponds to the activities related to intellectual property from the National Accounts (CN) of Spain, disaggregating their indicators by means of supplementary information from official statistical sources. In a very synthetic way, based on the related activities and products, from the information provided by the tables of origin and destination of National Accounts and from the supplementary information from other official sources necessary for their breakdown, the estimation procedure is to consider the data available for each branch from other primary sources and to pass them to CN terms by means of a correction coefficient, quotient between the estimate for the whole branch provided by National Accounts and by the supplementary source used for the breakdown.

Unit of measure




Disaggregated data(Gender, age, region in Spain, other)


Tier II

Come from National Statistics Plan (YES/NO)


Statistical operation

Cuenta Satélite de la Cultura (ISO code: 50052)

Responsible institution
Date of the last metadata update


Link to United Nations metadata
Custody agency


Details can be found in the project area at CULTURAbase