Metadata Sub-indicator Severe material and social deprivation rate
Goal 1. End poverty in all its forms everywhere
Target 1.2. By 2030, reduce at least by half the proportion of men, women and children of all ages living in poverty in all its dimensions according to national definitions
Indicator 1.2.2. Proportion of men, women and children of all ages living in poverty in all its dimensions according to national definitions
Sub-indicator Severe material and social deprivation rate
Proporción de personas que viven en hogares con carencia en al menos siete de una lista de trece conceptos (nueva definición 2021 - Objetivo Europa 2030)
\[PPCMSS^t= \frac{PCMSS^t}{p^t}\cdot100\]Donde: \(PCMSS^t\) es la población perteneciente a hogares con carencia material y social severa en el año t y \(p^t\) es la poblacion total en el año t.
AC, Sex , Age
Tier II
Life Conditions Survey (ISO code: 30453)
National Gov.
Living in households with severe material and social deprivation: deprived in at least seven of the following list of thirteen items (new definition 2021 - Europe 2030 target):
1. Cannot afford to go on holiday for at least one week per year.
2. Cannot afford a meal of meat, poultry or fish at least every second day.
3. Cannot afford to keep the dwelling at an adequate temperature.
4. You do not have the ability to meet unforeseen expenses.
5. You have had delays in the payment of expenses related to the main dwelling (mortgage or rent, gas bills, community fees, etc.) or instalment purchases in the last 12 months.
6. You cannot afford a car.
7. You cannot replace damaged or old furniture.
8. Cannot afford to replace damaged clothes with new ones.
9. Cannot afford to have two pairs of shoes in good condition.
10. Cannot afford to meet friends/family for a meal or a drink at least once a month.
11. Cannot afford to participate regularly in leisure activities.
12. Cannot afford to spend a small amount of money on him/herself.
13. Cannot afford internet connection.
The reference period for the household income indicators corresponds to the year before the survey was conducted.
More information can be found in the detailed results.
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