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17 April 2024 Updated 22 May 2024

European Parliament Elections of 9 June, 2024

Main results

  • A total of 38,087,170 voters will be eligible to vote in the elections to the European Parliament.
  • Voters residing abroad may vote without the need for a prior request.
  • The electoral roll can be consulted from 22 to 29 April.

Next 9 June, 2024, 38,087,170 voters will be eligible to vote in the elections to the European Parliament. From that, 35,361,697 are Spanish living in Spain, 2,422,515 are living abroad, and 302,958 are nationals from other countries of the European Union, living in Spain and have manifested their will to vote in Spain.

Of all the voters living in Spain, 2,259,617 will be able to participate for the first time in an election to the European Parliament, having turned 18 years old since the previous vote held on 26 May, 2019.

In turn, of the 302,958 national voters of other countries of the European Union, living in Spain and that have manifested their will to vote in Spain, 85,277are from Romania, 61,799 from Italy, and 34,732 from Germany.

European Union voters living in Spain, by nationality

Votes from voters residing abroad

Voters residing abroad may vote in the European Parliament elections without the need for prior request.

The Electoral Census Office (ECO) will send all voters the necessary documentation for voting in two separate mailings, which can also be obtained directly from the voting centres established by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation from 1 to 6 June, which are the days for depositing the vote in the ballot box.

Voters in the elections to the European Parliament residing abroad by country (with more than 50,000 voters)

Electoral roll consultation and claims

The electoral census of residents in Spain can be consulted from 22 to 29 April in the city councils and in the provincial delegations of the OCE. Voters living abroad will be able to check their registration details at consular offices on these same dates.

Also available at the INE E-Office (https://sede.ine.gob.es), a service for consultation of registration data in the electoral census, after accreditation of the voter's identity, with the Cl@ve system (electronic DNI, among others). And, in the case of voters residing in Spain, it also shows the electoral board and address of the polling station.

Voters may present claims to their registration data in the city councils, consulates or provincial delegations of the OCE within the same period, from 22 to 29 April.

Voters living in Spain may also submit claims through the INE Electronic Office with the Cl@ve system and providing a valid certificate of registration in the Municipal Register of their residence.

Requests to object to receiving electoral propaganda

Those who make the request to refuse to receive election propaganda until 29 April will not receive it from political parties in the election campaign of these elections, in accordance with the provisions of the legislative change carried out in December 2018.

Requests after 29 April will take effect in the following elections to be held.

The request for exclusion can be made online, with the Cl@ve system, at the INE Electronic Headquarters or in the town halls, consular offices and provincial delegations of the ECO.

Delivery of copies of the electoral roll to the representatives of the proclaimed candidacies

In these elections, the procedure for delivering copies of the electoral roll to the representatives of the proclaimed candidacies who request them will be by downloading them from an INE portal.

As a requirement, when requesting the copies, two email accounts must be provided that will be used to send the portal candidature information and passwords for accessing the files and opening them.

Polling cards

Polling cards with information of the polling station and the polling place where each voter votes will be sent from 13 May.

More information

On the INE website there is information of interest on the activities of the OCE in these elections: counting of voters, telematic procedures that require an electronic certificate, consultation of the polling station and the place where the vote is to be held, information on how to vote by post, deadlines and legal regulations.

In addition, the INE Electronic Headquarters offers the following procedures that do not require accreditation with an electronic certificate:

  • General consultation of polling stations and polling stations.
  • Consult the status of the postal vote and the registered mailing number when it has been sent to the Post Office.
  • Completion of the request to vote by post for subsequent delivery to the Post Office.

In addition, the provincial delegations of the OCE deal with consultations on the actions within their competence (registration in the census, complaints, polling stations and premises, postal voting, etc.) at their offices and on the free telephone number 900.343.232

For further information see Inicio INEbase Official INE account on @es_ine
All press releases at:
Press office:
(+34) 91 583 93 63 / 94 08gprensa@ine.es
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