17 de enero: Seminario Informativo oposiciones
Seminario informativo sobre la preparación de oposiciones a los Cuerpos de EstadÃsticos del Estado.
November 2024. Provisional data. The annual rate of the Industrial Production Index stood at -0.4% in the seasonally and calendar adjusted series and at -3.4% in the original series. The monthly change in the Industrial Production Index was -0.8% if seasonal and calendar effects are eliminated.
November 2024. Provisional data. The number of passengers using public transport increased by 1.3% in November, as compared with the same month of 2023. The annual rate for city transport increased by 0.8% and for inter-city transport by 5.1%.
November 2024. Provisional data. Spain received 5.7 million international tourists in November, 10.3% more than in the same month of 2023. In the first 11 months of 2024, the number of international tourists arriving in Spain reached its highest figure, exceeding 88.5 million.
November 2024. Provisional data. The total expenditure of international tourists who visited Spain in November increased by 16.0% and reached 7,709 million euros. The average daily expenditure increased by 2.4% to 178 euros.
November 2024. The annual rate of the IRAV corresponding to the month of November is 2.20%.
November 2024. Provisional data. Overnight stays in non-hotel tourist accommodation increased by 4.6% in November, as compared with the same month in 2023. Overnight stays in apartments rose by 3.4%, in campsites by 3.7%, in rural tourism accommodation by 18.8%, while they fell by 1.4% in hostels.