Mobility Data
Data presented comes from the analysis of the position of more than 80% of mobile phones throughout Spain. The analysis has been prepared by INE in close collaboration with the three main mobile phone operators (Orange, Telefónica, Vodafone).
The analysis focuses on the study of the mobility of the population during the alert state period. Data is offered from March 16 every other day and from March 31, daily data.
Evolution of mobility by geographical area during the alarm state by COVID-19
File download
Description of the mobility areas and their population at 1st January 2019
Geographic limits of the mobility areas shape format
Result tables
1 Movement of persons by Autonomous Communities and Provinces
2 Movement of persons by mobility areas
3 Population by Autonomous Communities and Provinces
4 Population by mobility areas
Compressed file with all the available origin-destination data CSV format / Register design of the files
Data updated on 2 December 2020. Flows between areas and between major cities are offered as long as they involve more than 15 people.