INEbase / Labour market / Economically Active Population Survey / Repercussion of the EAPS-2002 methodological changes
Methodological novelties The Economically Active Population Survey (EAPS) is modified in 2002. The changes are
The first of these changes comes from the increase that has occurred in the Spanish population as a result of the entry of immigrants. The second is an improvement in the form of correcting the effect of the lack of response in the survey. The third is regulated by the European Union Statistical Office. (EUROSTAT). The repercussions of these changes in the estimates of survey will be important. The INE offers in this publication and also on Internet (www.ine.es/en/welcome_en.htm), all available information on the process, as well as the necessary data to save the discontinuities in the results series, in such a way that it is possible to quantify the development of the labour market doubly, with the effects of the modifications and without their repercussion. Nevertheless, it is necessary to highlight that the new definition of unemployment introduces a rupture in the series. |