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January 2025 0.4 Gráfica serie 2.6 Gráfica serie


The Industrial Price Index (IPRI) measures the monthly development of the price of manufactured and sold products in the domestic market, during the first step of its commercialisation. The IPRI covers the sales prices coming out of the factory obtained by industrial establishments in the transactions which are carried out, excluding transport and commercialisation costs and VAT invoiced.

The index coverage extends to all industrial sectors, except construction. Therefore, extractive, manufacturing and production industries, distribution of electrical energy, water and gas are investigated.

In order to obtain this, an ongoing survey is conducted, each month covering approximately 29,000 prices for 1,400 products, in a sample of nearly 9,200 industrial establishments. The information collected consists of current prices on the 15th day of each month.

Base 2021: updating the basket and the weightings

The first data for the IPRI, base 2021, is published in reference to the month of January 2024. In this base change, the products included in the basket and the weightings have been updated. The most notable change is that the production of other non-distilled beverages, coming from fermentation, and the manufacturing of fiber optic cables are no longer represented in the IPRI basket.

Base 2021 weightings

The IPRI weightings have been calculated in agreement with the importance of activity branches (according to the value of its turnover) and products (according to the production value). For 2025 are:

By economic purpose Weightings (%)
Energy 32.27
Capital goods 12.44
Intermediate goods 27.63
Consumer goods 27.65
- Non-durable consumer goods 26.15
- Durable consumer goods 1.50