Series detailed from 2002 Results by Autonomous Community

Resident population by date, sex, age group and place of birth (groups of countries)

Units: Persons
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      • Period
      • Autonomous City and Community
      • Five-year age group
      • Country of birth
      • Sex
      . . .
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      . . .
  • Notes ( 4 )
    • La categoría "España" en la variable "País de nacimiento" incluye los antiguos territorios españoles
    • The grouping 'Country of the EU28 without Spain' does not include Croatia for dates prior to July 1, 2013
    • Data is provisional as of July 1, 2022
    • With the entry into force of Brexit, the EU-27 aggregate replaces the EU-28 as of July 1, 2020, subtracting the figures for the United Kingdom from the EU
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