Periodic publications

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    Women and Men in Spain: Women and Men in Spain is a publication produced in partnership with the Institute of Women. It aims to disseminate a selection of gender indicators that are relevant in different fields of social concern. (Permanent updating).   January 2025

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    Urban Indicators: The purpose of this publication is to offer a selection of the most relevant indicators at present that reveal the situation of cities in the main economic and social domains.  October 2024

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    Quality of Life Indicators: They have been promoted by a large number of initiatives from both the scientific and the academic world, as well as European and international organisations. Measuring the progress of society and well-being of individuals implies increasing the number of economic development indicators traditionally used for measuring growth and well-being. This release presents the multidimensional measurement of the quality of life, including a set of indicators grouped in 9 dimensions and disaggregated by individual characteristics and geographical scope.  October 2025

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    Statistical yearbook: This is a publication of general statistical information, including data from different sources, both inside and outside of the INE. Its tables provide a quantitative reflection of the Spanish economic, social and demographic reality. (Complete collection since 1858).  August 2024

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    Spain in Figures: This general, informative publication has the objective of offering the non-specialised public an updated view of the most relevant demographic, social and economic aspects of our country and its environment. (Collection since 1999) It is also published in English.  May 2023

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    2030 Agenda Indicators for Sustainable Development: consists of 17 goals and 169 targets. In order to monitor its progression, 231 indicators have been designed that can be measured using the statistical data contained herein. These indicators are updated continuously and this action includes information from both the INE and other official sources.   April 2024

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    The Iberian Peninsula in Figures: The idea of compiling this publication arose in the context of the Iberian Conferences, with the objective of presenting a set of demographic, economic and social indicadors and which establishes comparisons between Spain and Portugal, both countries set in the context of the EU. (Collection since 2004). trilingual Spanish/Portuguese/English edition.  February 2024

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    Spanish Journal of Statistics: The SJS journal collects articles containing original theoretical contributions with either direct or potential value, as well as practical applications of methodological aspects. Innovation is fundamental in the papers published in SJS. One volume is published annually in two issues.   April 2021

Special publications

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    Demography of Europe: Demographic statistics are among the most popular data Eurostat produces, and they are important for almost every area of policy. This new interactive publication produced by Eurostat aims to bring these statistics to a new audience, providing clear visualisations and interactive features to help non-specialist users see what official European statistics can tell us about how the population is developing, ageing, and much more. October 2021. 

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    Key Figures on Europe. Statistics visualised. Edition 2020: Digital publication developed by Eurostat in collaboration with the National Statistical Institutes of the EU Member States and the EFTA countries and available in other other UE languages.. It presents indicators on population and society, economy and companies, and environment and natural resources, through interactive visualization tools November 2020  

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    The European economy since the start of the millennium - 2020 edition: Digital publication developed by Eurostat in collaboration with the National Statistical Institutes of the EU Member States and the EFTA countries and available in other other UE languages. The publication shows how main features of the economy of the European Union and its Member States have evolved since 2000 through a large range of statistical data giving both a micro- and a macro-economic perspective. Contains brief texts, interactive visualization tools and infographics. October 2020
    Previous editions: 2019, 2018 

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    The life of women 'and men in Europe -A statistical portrait- 2020 edition: Digital publication developed by Eurostat in collaboration with the National Statistical Institutes of the EU Member States and the EFTA countries and available in other UE languages. It presents indicators that reflect different aspects of the life of women and men in Europe. Contains brief texts, interactive visualization tools and infographics. The Spanish version of the publication also presents some notable features of Spanish society. October 2020
    Previous editions: 2019, 2018, 2017 

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    People on the move - 2019 edition: Digital publication developed by Eurostat in collaboration with the National Statistical Institutes of the EU Member States and the EFTA countries and available in other UE languages. It presents indicators about the mobility of Europeans from many points of view, as there are many reasons for moving: migration, education, work, tourism ... with a focus on people and not on goods. Contains brief texts, interactive visualization tools and infographics.  January 2020

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    What is Spain like? 25 maps to discover it, km2 by km2: What is Spain like? 25 maps to discover it, km2 by km2: a publication that enables attaining a global - but also detailed - perspective of the main socio-economic indicators from the 2011 Population and Housing Censuses.  January 2015

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    Statistics in world Philately in the 20th century: Publication emissions stamps issued around the world during the 20th century, on the surface of it related to Statistics. Its aim is to illustrate how Statistics have been promoted via stamps in different countries over the last century.  September 2009

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    Spain in the twenty-seven state EU: It is an informative publication comprising a series of graphs, maps and commentaries regarding such varied subjects as population, economy, employment, society, and energy and the environment, offering a perspective of the situation of our country within the framework of the European Union. It is also published in English.   June 2008

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    Spain in the twenty five state EU: Publication, published in Spanish and English, which analyses, by means of 25 indicators, the situation in Spainin relation to the other EU member states. The publication is rich in graphs along with observations to aid with making sense of the data.  December 2004

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    Spain at the start of the 21st century: Population and Housing Censuses 2001: This informative publication covers some of the statistical data obtained from the latest census. Its objective is to provide an idea of the potential usefulness of census data.  April 2004

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    Spanish society 25 years after the Constitution: A statistical review of the changes which occurred during the constitutional period in Spanish society. This is structured into eight sections: population, education and culture, health, work and gender equality, participation and justice, natural resources and the environment, economic progress and income, and quality of life.   December 2003

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    Málaga in figures 2001: This publication presents the most relevant data for Málaga and its province, in order to give a general view regarding its demographic, social and economic aspects.  December 2001

Analyses and studies publications

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    Industry Overview 2007-2009: This is an informative publication that provides a global perspective of the importance of industry in Spain, its main characteristics and its evolution over time. The objective of the publication is to introduce aspects such as the structureo f industry, its main economic rates, the most representative sectors, the weight in the different Autonomous Communities or the position of Spain in the European Union.   May 2010

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    Sustainable development 2008: This publication describes the system of indicators of the EU SDS, for better comprehension of the theoretical framework in which they are defined. Likewise, the latest results are presented, emphasising the data corresponding to Spain, for the purpose of highlighting the relative role of our country within the whole of the Member States as regards the objectives of the EU SDS.   May 2009

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    National Immigrant Survey 2007: a monography: A work that briefly and in a straightforward manner describes the master guidelines for the phenomenon of foreign immigration, above all referring to the latest information or that simply missing in other sources  March 2009

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    Annual services survey 2004: The work offers by means of tables and graphs a quantitative view of our country's actual situation in sectors as varied as:trade, tourism, transport, information and communications technologies, real estate and rental agencies, services provided to companies, and recreational, cultural, sports and personal services.  January 2007

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    Health and Sexual Habits Survey 2003. General Report: This study is of great interest due to its contribution to the design of policies for the prevention of the extension of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which causes AIDS, and it offers a complete overview of the results obtained in the HSHS.  February 2007

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    Social indicators in Spain 2005: This includes a compendium of indicators regarding the different matters of social concern: population, family, education, work, income, welfare, health, the environment, culture and marginalisation. (Collection since 2003).  September 2006

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    Survey on Disabilities, Impairments and State of Health 1999. General Report: This general report offers a full overview of the results obtained in the survey (EDDS).  September 2005

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    Demographic trends during the 20th century in Spain: Publication, compiled by several specialists, which examines the main features characterising the population in Spain, and of the three demographic components that determine it: mortality, fertility and migration. A chapter is also dedicated to studying marriage.   February 2004

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    Foreign nationals residing in Spain 1998-2002: This publication offers a view of the evolution of this group, based on the data from the Statistical Use of the Municipal Register, examining the main results from the years 1998 to 2002, and accompanying the commentaries on tables, graphs and maps.  March 2004

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    Analysis of occupancy in tourist accommodation in Spain. 2000: This presents a graphic summary with the main results of the Tourist Accommodation Occupancy Survey conducted monthly by the INE for hotel establishments, tourist campsites and holiday dwellings.   July 2001

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    Survey on Disabilities, Impairments and State of Health 1999. Results preview. Basic data: This includes the main results of this survey, aimed at covering information needs regarding the phenomena of disability, dependence, the ageing of the population and the state of health of the population resident in Spain.   January 2001

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    Occupancy and mobility in Spanish hotels and camping sites 1999: This presents a graphic summary with the main results of two monthly surveys: Hotel Occupancy Survey and the Campsite Occupancy Survey.  July 2000

Historical publications

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    Vecindarios 1646: Los Vecindarios, realizados a lo largo de los años 1646 y 1647, obedecen a los acuerdos tomados en las Cortes de los distintos reinos con el fin de proveer y distribuir recursos entre los vecinos objeto de tributación, ante las acuciantes necesidades financieras y militares de Felipe IV. Esta publicación supone una recopilación de datos cuantitativos hasta ahora inéditos de lugares y vecindad de la Corona de Castilla y, por primera vez, de otros territorios peninsulares de la Monarquía Hispánica como son los reinos de Navarra, Aragón y Valencia.  October 2021

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    Professional Services and Work Income in the villages of Corona de Castilla, midway through the 18th century: By means of this publication we can ascertain curious data on people's occupation, the income they obtain with their jobs and personal services they had avail able at their place of residence. The shortcomings it suffered also and how, to remedy them, they had to move to other places under very different circumstances to those current ones.  March 2018

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    Populations imputed during the first half of the 19th century: Durante la primera mitar del siglo XIX no se hizo ningún censo de población de inscripción directa, sino simples imputaciones de la población, a distintos niveles de desagregación local. En esta publicación se presentan los trabajos que se realizaron para cuantificar la población de la primera mitad del siglo XIX.  March 2018

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    Censo de la Corona de Castilla 1591: El Censo de Población de las provincias y partidos de la Corona de Castilla o Censo de los Millones, se realizó en 1591 con el fin de recaudar ocho millones de ducados a través de un impuesto extraordinario. La obra presenta una transcripción revisada, corregida y acompañada de una amplia serie de notas expresando todas las incidencias o incongruencias internas del Censo de la Corona de Castilla de 1591 o Censo de los Millones. A ello se une el comentario de la hispanista francesa Molinié-Bertrand, cuyos trabajos de localización han permitido encontrar la denominación actual de las aproximadamente 12.000 entidades que se incluyen en el Censo. Se acompaña de un Anejo con índices alfabéticos de localidades, divergencias y erratas.  March 2018

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    Censo de Floridablanca 1787: Contiene la recopilación de los datos locales de este censo que permanecen inéditos en manuscritos de la época. Los datos citados aparecen individualizados por pueblos, que en la obra se presentan por su nombre actual y antiguo, agrupados según las provincias de hoy y éstas por comunidades autónomas.  July 2016

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    Count of Aranda Census 1768: Count of Aranda Census is considered to be the first modern census to be conducted in Europe. The genuine history of the Spanish population censuses begins in 1768, when the Count of Aranda gave specific orders to commence tasks aimed at establishing the "genuine population of this Monarchy" so as to "promote useful ideas to the State, in terms of the sex and age of the population.   August 2013

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    Salt Census 1631: Work divided into two volumes. The Salt Census came into existence on 3 January 1631, the date on which Felipe IV issued a Royal Decree commanding the beginning of the verifications necessary for the implementation of a new taxation system regarding the salt monopoly. In general, the data was obtained over the course of said year, as stated in the documents that the authorities from each salt-producing party sent to the Salt Council.  February 2015

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    Commoners Census 1528: Set divided into two volumes which is a summary transcription and prepared from documents.The emperor Charles I decided that the servant registers should be revised, that is, those of inhabitants obliged to provide Services to his Majesty, these being taxes approved by the Court, from which the Nobility and the Church were exempt. Compilation took almost eight years, but the data refer to payments made in the years 1527 and 1528.   April 2008

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    Censo ganadero de la Corona de Castilla 1752: El Censo ganadero de la Corona de Castilla de 1752 contiene la trascripción del contenido de los libros H de los Estados Generales o Resúmenes realizados por la Junta de la Única Contribución con los datos recopilados para formar el Catastro de la Ensenada. En el Tomo I figura el ganado perteneciente a los vecinos seglares y en el Tomo II el de los eclesiásticos. Además se han introducido los elementos necesarios para una rápida yuxtaposición de datos, si se prefiere unificarlos en relación a una determinada localidad. Hay que tener en cuenta que el ganado que se reseña no es el que poseen todos los vecinos de cada pueblo, sino sólo el que es objeto de explotación ganadera; tampoco se incluye el llamado de corral (avicultura y cunicultura).   December 2016

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    Censo de Población de la Corona de Castilla. Marqués de la Ensenada. 1752: El Censo de Población de la Corona de Castilla o Censo del Marqués de la Ensenada se realizó en 1752. La Obra está proyectada en cuatro tomos, de los cuales el I y el III contienen clasificaciones de la población realizadas por las Contadurías Principales de las Intendencias y pueden ser considerados como el Censo de Población del Marqués de la Ensenada, mientras que los tomos II y IV son aportaciones del INE para facilitar el manejo y comprensión de la obra.  December 2016

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    Censo de Campoflorido 1712: El Censo de Campoflorido se realizó en 1712 por mandato del Real Consejero de Hacienda para una más justa distribución de las imposiciones motivadas por la Guerra de Sucesión. Cinco años después, el Marqués de Campoflorido ordenó concentrarlo en su Secretaría de Hacienda. De aquí procede su nombre y la datación errónea que lo presenta como de 1717.   December 2016

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    Censo de Godoy 1797: Se denomina Censo de Godoy al Censo de la población de España de el año de 1797 executado por orden del rey en el de 1801. La publicación constituye una reproducción facsimilar de la edición de 1801, en la que se presentaron los datos de la población española por Intendencias o provincias de entonces. Sigue la misma linea que el de 1787 Floridablanca, pero con clasificaciones más depuradas y realizado con la idea de crear un proyecto de continuidad y periodicidad que truncó la invasión napoleónica. Sus datos, aunque más detallados, son perfectamente comparables con los de Floridablanca. Se acompaña de una exhaustiva relación de los pueblos que constituían cada intendencia, aplicable a ambos casos.  December 2016

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    Spain in light of the 1887 census: This publication, apart from including statistical tables with sociodemographic indicators from the period and 34 maps, highlights the state of Statistical Science in the 19th century and the context in which the census was carried out in 1887.  December 2018

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    Yearbooks, centuries XIX y XX.The yearbooks compile, with a great richness of content, statistical information from various sources, with the aim of offering a quantitative reflection of the economic, social and demographic reality of Spain and of its territories - both peninsular and insular - overseas provinces and all other territories over the last 150 years.

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    Population censuses, centuries XIX y XX. Population censuses are the most extensive operation performed in the scope of official statistical activity. From this section, access is provided to publications on official censuses carried out between 1857 and 1970.

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    Agrarian and Livestock Rearing Census, centuries XIX y XX. This section provides access to the censuses conducted during the period corresponding to the 19th century, and their continuation in the 20th century. The work that begins this section is the Livestock Rearing Census of 1865, the only piece of these characteristics that was carried out in the stage of Official Statistics in the 19th century.

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    Vital Statistics, centuries XIX y XX.Vital Statistics, which basically refer to the births, marriages and deaths occurring within the Spanish territory, constitute one of the most traditional statistical operations in the National Statistics Institute. The first volume was published in 1863 by the National General Board of Statistics, and contains data on the period from 1858 to 1861, which was obtained from parish registers.