Products and Services / Publications for free download / Statistical Yearbook of Spain

Cover Yearbook The Statistical Yearbook of Spain is one of the INE's most emblematic works and has been published yearly since 1858. It includes general statistical information, garnering data from different internal and external INE sources, and aims to present a quantitative reflection of Spain's economic, social and demographic reality, with an ample amount of content. Furthermore, each edition also includes a small synthesis of international data.

This section contains Yearbooks dating back to 1858. The series presents major gaps in the first years of its history, with breaks that, in some cases, correspond to periods of over 20 years, when yearbooks were not published. The series has not been interrupted since 1943.

Works published between 1858-1997 can be consulted using the INE's virtual library: INEbase History, which reproduces the original indices of the publications and the corresponding tables in PDF. The 1998 Yearbook is available in EXCEL files compressed in ZIP format. Subsequent yearbooks are available in PDF. It is also possible to purchase the latest Yearbook published.

Virtual exhibition: The Statistical Yearbook. Witness to our history

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2025 Statistical yearbook of Spain

2024 Statistical yearbook of Spain

2023 Statistical yearbook of Spain

2021-2022 Statistical yearbook of Spain

2020 Statistical yearbook of Spain

2019 Statistical yearbook of Spain

2018 Statistical yearbook of Spain

2017 Statistical yearbook of Spain

2016 Statistical yearbook of Spain

2015 Statistical yearbook of Spain

2014 Statistical yearbook of Spain

2013 Statistical yearbook of Spain

2012 Statistical yearbook of Spain

2011 Statistical yearbook of Spain

2010 Statistical yearbook of Spain

2009 Statistical yearbook of Spain

2008 Statistical yearbook of Spain

2007 Statistical yearbook of Spain

2006 Statistical yearbook of Spain

2005 Statistical yearbook of Spain

2004 Statistical Yearbook of Spain

2002-2003 Statistical Yearbook of Spain

2001 Statistical yearbook of Spain

2000 Statistical yearbook of Spain

1999 Statistical yearbook of Spain

General index (61 Kb.)
Territory and environment (275 Kb.)
Population (780 Kb.)
Education (528 Kb.)
Health (477 Kb.)
Justice (282 Kb.)
Labour market (240 Kb.)
Life conditions (169 Kb.)
Industry and energy (308 Kb.)
Agriculture, hunting and fishing (374 Kb.)
Services (433 Kb.)
Culture and leisure (238 Kb.)
Companies and finance (256 Kb.)
Accounting (110 Kb.)
Foreign trade (91 Kb.)
International (459 Kb.)

1998 Statistical yearbook of Spain

1858 - 1997 Period: INEbase History

It is possible to purchase the latest Yearbook published:

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On delivery, by Email
Price: Book+CD-ROM: 40.06€  (VAT included) . CD-ROM: 18€ (VAT included).