• High Council on Statistics and others Statistical Collegiate Bodies

In article 37, law 12/1989, of 9 May, on the Public Statistical Services establishes that the High Council on Statistics is a consultative organ of the state statistical services, and in articles 36 and 42, creates the Interministerial Statistics Commission and the Interterritorial Statistics Committee respectively


High Council on Statistics

The High Council on Statistics, affiliated to the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation, is an advisory body of the state statistical services and social involvement of informants, producers and users of official statistics, where trade union and business organisations and other social, economic and academic groups are represented, together with ministries and the INE.



Interministerial Statistics Commission

The Interministerial Statistics Commission, affiliated to the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation, via the National Statistics Institute, is a participative organ of the statistical services in charge of the compiling of statistics in the scope of the State Central Administration and constitutes one of the springboards for achieving horizontal coordination among the State Statistical Services.




Interterritorial Statistics Committee

The Interterritorial Statistics Committee is a permanent official body in charge of overseeing the coordination, cooperation and standardisation of statistical matters between the State and the Autonomous Communities. Corresponding to this Committee are those functions assigned to it by Law 12/1989, of 9 May, on Public Statistical Function, and those that may be assigned to it in order to enable coordination and enhance cooperation between the state and Autonomous Community statistical services..

