- Training and Employment
- National Statistics Award
INE Awards, Eduardo García España
Announcement of Awards
In recognition of the noteworthy progress of Spanish Official Statistics, and in its encouragement of research and cooperation between the academic world of Statistics and that of Official Statistics, the INE is promoting the creation of the Official Statistics Awards, known as the INE Awards, Eduardo García España, in memory of this eminent statistician, one of whose most important projects was the design of the General Population Survey, which served as the basis and reference for all INE population surveys.
2019 Award
Announcement of the 2019 Awards: National Statistics Institute Resolution, of 20 May 2019, announcing the 2019 Official Statistics Award INE Awards, in honour of Eduardo García España
Granting of Awards: National Statistics Institute Resolution, of 25 July 2019, giving the 2019 Official Statistics Award INE Awards, in honour of Eduardo García España
Winning work: Statistical sampling on ordered structures
Author: Pedro García-Segador
2016 Award
Announcement of Awards: National Statistics Institute Resolution, of 21 June 2016, announcing the 2016 Official Statistics Award INE Awards, in honour of Eduardo García España
Granting of Awards: National Statistics Institute Resolution, of 25 April 2016, giving the 2016 Official Statistics Award INE Awards, in honour of Eduardo García España
Winning work: A modern vision of official statistical production
Author: David Salgado Fernández
2015 Award
Announcement of Awards: National Statistics Institute Resolution, of 29 January 2015, announcing the 2015 Official Statistics Award INE Awards, in honour of Eduardo García España
Winning work: Consistent degrouping of population data. The problem of noise and age heaping
Authors: Silvia Bermúdez Parrado y Rafael Blanquero Bravo
2013 Award
Announcement of Awards: National Statistics Institute Resolution, of 22 April 2013, announcing the 2013 Official Statistics Award INE Awards, in honour of Eduardo García España
Winning work: Projection of mortality indicators for Spain
Authors: Ana María Debón Aucejo, Francisco Martínez Ruiz, Francisco Montes Suay, Marta Moshuk