Count of Aranda Census. Book III
Dioceses of Calahorra, Canarias, Cartagena, Ceuta, Ciudad Rodrigo, Córdoba, Coria, Cuenca. Vicaría: Benamejí
With this volume, the INE continues publication of this Census, considered to be the first modern census to be conducted in Europe. In this case, it was a true pioneer in publishing said census, since it was only published in summarised form in the prologue of the Floridablanca Census, conducted 20 years later. In order to better study the data, the INE has reclassified information on villages, at source sorted by parish, sorting it in accordance with the current provincial partitioning, completing the statistical tables with current cartography.
- Format: Print
- Number of pages: 656
- Publication date: 05-02-02
- Price (including VAT): 56.88 €