Processing of personal data
The National Statistics Institute (INE), in the development of its activity, needs to process personal data. In all these processing operations, the INE acts in accordance with current legislation on the protection of personal data, information security and the specific regulations governing statistical activity.
Personal Data Protection Off
The INE has a Data Protection Officer (DPO), appointed by the President of the INE on 24 May 2018, to comply with the requirements of Article 37 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in order to, among other things, attend to inquiries from citizens and requests to exercise the rights recognised by the GDPR in relation to the processing for which the INE is responsible.
In this sense, you can make inquiries and exercise the relevant rights for the protection of your personal data before the DPO, through the procedure called "Actions before the DPD" enabled in the Electronic Office of the INE.
Alternatively, you can send an email to se.eni@dpd or submit a document, by any of the means provided for in Article 16.4 of Law 39/2015, of October 1, on the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations, directed to:
- Data Protection Officer
- Avenida de Manoteras, 50-52, 28050, Madrid
Statistical Activities
The statistical activity carried out by the INE is mainly regulated by Law 12/1989, of 9 May, on Public Statistical Function and Regulation 223/2009, of 11 March, regarding European statistics. The compilation of official statistics requires the processing of individual data, especially in the early stages of the statistical process. Both regulations establish a special protection for these data by means of the figure of statistical secrecy.
In addition, Article 89 of the GDPR sets out the guarantees and exceptions applicable to processing for archiving purposes in the public interest, for purposes of scientific or historical research or for statistical purposes within the protection of personal data.
Register of Processing of Statistical Activities
- Agrarian Census
- Population Census
- Population and Housing Census
- Population Figures of Spain's Municipalities: Municipal Register Revision
- CNAE 2025
- Central Companies Directory
- Directorio de Colaboración de las Unidades Informantes
- Survey on Homeless Persons
- Annual Labour Cost Survey
- Annual Wage Structure Survey
- Encuesta Comunitaria de Fuerza de Trabajo (ECFT)
- Short-Term Stock and Inventory Survey
- Four-yearly Labour Cost Survey
- Living Conditions Survey
- Energy Consumption Survey
- Intermediate Consumption and Investment Survey
- Health Status and the Survey on Disability, Personal Autonomy and Dependency Situations
- Time Use Survey
- Fertility Survey
- Household Expenditure on Education
- Tourist Expenditure Survey (EGATUR)
- Survey on the labour market insertion of university graduates
- Essential Population and Housing Characteristics Survey
- Hostel Occupancy Survey
- Rural Tourism Accommodation Occupancy Survey
- Tourist Apartment Occupancy Survey
- Campsite Occupancy Survey
- Hotel Occupancy Survey
- Quarterly Labour Cost Survey
- Household Budget Survey
- Health Survey in Spain
- Survey on the Transition from Education/Training to Labour Market Insertion
- Residents Travel Survey
- Industrial Products Survey
- Survey on the use of Communication and Information Technologies (CIT) and e-commerce in companies
- Information Technology and Communication Equipment and Use in Households Survey
- Innovation in Companies Survey
- Farm Structure Survey
- Survey on Adult Population Involvement in Learning Activities
- Survey on the International Mobility of Students
- Survey on Human Resources in Science and Technology
- Quarterly Labour Cost Survey
- Statistics on Acquisition of Spanish Citizenship for residents
- Private education financing and expenditure survey
- Statistics on Migrations and Changes of Residence
- Labour and Geographical Mobility Statistics
- Tourist Movement on Borders Survey (FRONTUR)
- Statistics on Products in the Trade Sector
- Statistics on Products in the Services Sector
- Transport of passengers statistic
- Employment of Persons with Disabilities
- Register of Spaniards Resident Abroad (PERE)
- Wages of Persons with Disabilities
- Structural Business Statistics: Trade Sector
- Structural Business Statistics: Industrial Sector
- Structural Business Statistics: Services Sector
- Statistic on R&D in the Business Enterprise Sector
- Statistic on R&D activities in private non-profit institutions
- Surveys on Water Supply and Sewerage
- Rail Transport Statistics
- Statistics on Biotechnology Use
- Statistics on the Use of Water
- Statistics on the generation of waste
- Statistics on the activities of environmental protection
- Survey on the collection and treatment of waste
- Statistical Use of the Central Business Register
- Economically Active Population Flows
- Services Sector Activity Indicators
- Business Turnover Index
- Consumer Price Index
- Business Turnover Index
- Retail Trade Indices
- Export and Import Price Indices of Industrial Products
- Services Sector Price Indices
- Industrial Price Index
- Industrial Production Index
- Vital Statistics: Marriage statistics
- Vital Statistics: Birth statistics
- List of place names: Population of the Continuous Municipal Register by Population Unit
Register of Processing of Administrative Activities
- Promotional activities
- INE's Agenda and Cooperation
- The Electoral Census
- European Statistics Competition
- Consultations
- Access control
- Coordination of local population registers
- Tailor-made studies and requests
- Training
- Security breach management
- Human resources management
- Management of requests for statistical information for scientific research
- Budgetary and economic management
- Library management and control
- Disciplinary proceedings
- Legal proceedings
- Statistical sanctioning procedure
- Informative audiovisual productions
- Sexual and gender harassment protocol
- Provision of scholarships and jobs
- Complaints and suggestions
- Internal regime
- Register of entry and exit of INE documents
- Notific@ Notification Systema
- Video surveillance
Administrative Activities
Aside from the statistical activity, the INE also processes data related to its administrative powers and to the ordinary management of the institution, in a manner analogous to other bodies of the General State Administration.