Goal 4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all)

Indicator 4.4.1. Proportion of youth and adults with information and communications technology (ICT) skills, by type of skill

Sub-indicator Percentage of adults (aged 16 to 74 years) who have applied at least one of the computer skills collected, in the last three months

  1. On the 2021 survey, the ¿Copy and move files between folders, devices or the cloud¿ ability has substituted the ¿Transfer files between computer and other devices¿ and ¿Copy or move files or folders¿ of prior years.
  2. Computer skills: downloading software and changing settings; transferring files between the computer and other devices; creating presentations that integrate text, images and tables; programming using a programming language; copying or moving files or folders and using the basic functions of a spreadsheet.
Source: INE

Sub-indicator Percentage of young people (aged 16 to 24 years) who have applied at least one of the computer skills collected, in the last three months

  1. On the 2021 survey, the ¿Copy and move files between folders, devices or the cloud¿ ability has substituted the ¿Transfer files between computer and other devices¿ and ¿Copy or move files or folders¿ of prior years.
  2. Computer skills: downloading software and changing settings; transferring files between the computer and other devices; creating presentations that integrate text, images and tables; programming using a programming language; copying or moving files or folders and using the basic functions of a spreadsheet.
Source: INE