Sub-indicator 5.a.1.1. Proportion of holders of agricultural holdings, with respect to total agricultural labour force Series AC Sex Gender and tenure regime
Sub-indicator 5.a.1.2. Share of male holders of agricultural holdings, with respect to total agricultural male labour force Series AC Regime
Sub-indicator 5.a.1.3. Share of female holders of agricultural holdings, with respect to total agricultural female labour force Series AC Regime
Sub-indicator 5.a.1.4. Share of female holders of agricultural holdings, with respect to total number of holders Series AC
Sub-indicator 5.a.1.5. Share of female holders who own agricultural holdings, with respect to total number of holders who own agricultural holdings Series AC
Sub-indicator 5.a.1.6. Share of female holders who lease agricultural holdings, with respect to total number of holders who lease agricultural holdings Series AC