Goal 6. Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all

Indicator 6.3.2. Proportion of bodies of water with good ambient water quality

Sub-indicator Surface water rivers and lakes with good or better ecological status

  1. For the year 2015, the data corresponding to the first cycle basin hydrological plans (2009-2015) are provided. And for 2017, those of the second cycle (2015-2021). Hydrological plans undergo a global review of the data every six years, though partial reviews are carried out annually. The concept of "good quality" is associated with the "good condition" of the masses according to the Directive 2000/60/EEC or the Water Framework Directive.
Source: MTED

Sub-indicator Surface water rivers and lakes with good chemical status

  1. For the year 2015, the data corresponding to the first cycle basin hydrological plans (2009-2015) are provided. And for 2017, those of the second cycle (2015-2021). Hydrological plans undergo a global review of the data every six years, though partial reviews are carried out annually. The concept of "good quality" is associated with the "good condition" of the masses according to the Directive 2000/60/EEC or the Water Framework Directive.
Source: MTED

Sub-indicator Groundwater bodies with good overall status

  1. For the year 2015, the data corresponding to the first cycle basin hydrological plans (2009-2015) are provided. And for 2017, those of the second cycle (2015-2021). Hydrological plans undergo a global review of the data every six years, though partial reviews are carried out annually. The concept of "good quality" is associated with the "good condition" of the masses according to the Directive 2000/60/EEC or the Water Framework Directive.
Source: MTED

Sub-indicator Proporción de estaciones de aguas subterráneas reportadas con concentración de nitratos inferior a 50 mg NO3/l

  1. Administrative data not belonging to the National Statistical Plan
Source: MTED

Sub-indicator Proporción de estaciones en ríos reportadas con concentración de fosfatos inferior a 0,20 mg P-PO4/l

  1. Administrative data not belonging to the National Statistical Plan
Source: MTED

Sub-indicator Proporción de estaciones en ríos reportadas con demanda bioquímica de oxígeno a los 5 días (mg DBO5/l) inferior a 10mg/l

  1. Administrative data not belonging to the National Statistical Plan
Source: MTED