Goal 9. Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation

Indicator 9.4.1. CO2 emission per unit of value added

Sub-indicator CO2 equivalent emissions by resident units per unit of GDP

  1. The indicator uses data on total atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions published by the Atmospheric Emissions Account, which accounts for the emissions of all resident units, regardless of the actual geographic location where emissions take place. It is different from the Atmospheric Emissions Inventory data, which accounts for all emission sources in the national territory. Estimates for the Air Emissions Account are made using the Atmospheric Emissions Inventory, prepared by the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge
Source: INE

Sub-indicator CO2 equivalent emissions by resident units per unit of value added. Manufacturing sector

  1. The indicator uses data on total atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions published by the Atmospheric Emissions Account, which accounts for the emissions of all resident units, regardless of the actual geographic location where emissions take place. It is different from the Atmospheric Emissions Inventory data, which accounts for all emission sources in the national territory. Estimates for the Air Emissions Account are made using the Atmospheric Emissions Inventory, prepared by the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge
Source: INE

Sub-indicator Green House Gas emissions, relative change to 1990

  1. This is an indicator proposed by EUROSTAT that gives specific but not complete information regarding the policies to combat climate change in a country. The latest official data available is obtained from the latest National Inventory of GHG Emissions in Spain
Source: MTED

Sub-indicator Greenhouse Gas Emissions, relative change to 2005

  1. This is an indicator proposed by EUROSTAT that gives specific but not complete information regarding the policies to combat climate change in a country. The latest official data available is obtained from the latest National Inventory of GHG Emissions in Spain
Source: MTED

Sub-indicator PM 2.5 emissions from resident units per unit of value added. Manufacturing sector

Sub-indicator PM 10 emissions from resident units per unit of value added. Manufacturing sector