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The Environmental Indicators Dashboard arises from the need to monitor the various objectives related to climate change, consumption and productivity of materials, waste, energy, emissions, environmental taxation, green employment and biodiversity, among others. To this end, indicators are published that can reflect the national position with respect to the limits set and in comparison with the trends of the European average.

In particular, most of the indicators developed by the INE provide information for measuring the objectives of the European Green Pact, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the European Biodiversity Conservation Strategy 2030, the RePowerEU Plan and the Spanish Circular Economy Strategy.

The project will allow quantification of the objectives set, and will provide full flexibility to incorporate new indicators as new sources of data are identified, given the rapid evolution of environmental needs.

NIPO: 222-24-024-8
ISSN: 3020-9374