Press section
Latest data (December 2024) Annual rate (%)
Travellers -0.5 Gráfica serie
Overnight stays 0.7 Gráfica serie
Degree of occupancy by posts -1.3 Gráfica serie


The Hotel Occupancy Survey (HOS) measures the evolution of supply and occupancy in hotel accommodation via the analysis of various variables: travellers, overnight stays, degree of occupancy, number of establishments, average stay, etc.

The collection of the information is carried out for seven consecutive days of the reference month chosen at random, in such a way that all establishments cover the whole month. The sample varies between 9,000 hotels in winter and 11,000 in summer. The information is placed in a questionnaire. Data from hotels with one to five gold stars are collected and hostels or B&Bs with one to three silver stars. The collection of data is exhaustive in all provinces for hotels with five to four stars; except the remaining categories depend on the number of stablishments in the province, being the lowest categories always samples.

HOS History

European Regulation 692/2011/CE from the European Parliament and Council, of 6 July 20, asks for data to be obtained on different tourist accommodation for all European Union member states.

In 1996 the INE started to investigate hotel establishments and tourist accommodation. And, as of 1999, the collection of information and the study of tourist apartments and rural tourist accommodation started. In 2014, starts the collection of information about hostels.

With the aim of improving the HOS estimates, two methodological changes will be made from January 2006 onwards. On the one hand, the directories that provide the survey framework will be updated and on the other hand, the information collection system will be modified, expanding the collection's temporal scope to all days within the reference month for hotels with five, four and three stars. This means that the data published from January 2006 onwards are not directly comparable with previous data. In order to make comparisons between all these data easier, link coefficients are available on INEbase.

Other occupancy surveys

Apart from information on hotels, the INE also publishes data on apartments, campsites, rural tourist accommodation and hostels.

The Holiday Dwellings Occupancy Survey covers information via questionnaires contributed by tourist apartment and/or companies who use these establishments, registered as such in the corresponding tourist councils of each Autonomous Community and in agreement with the definitions that feature in the autonomous legal regulations. Data on establishments with luxury categories of one to three keys is collected.
Go to this survey data.

The Campsite Occupancy Survey covers information on the camp sites located in the whole country, among those that have different luxury categories, first, second and third.
Go to this survey data.

The Rural Tourist Accommodation Occupancy Survey covers information on the establishments that, according to the regulations of each Autonomous Community has the denomination of rural tourist accommodation.
Go to this survey data.

The Hostel Occupancy Survey covers information regarding all the youth hostels as defined in the different legal regulations in every Autonomous Community and belonging to the Spanish Youth Hostel Network (REAJ).
Go to this survey data.